Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cost of a College Education
I think just about everyone would agree that college costs are out of control. Even with my tuition taken care of by the Promise Scholarship, I still have to get thousands of dollars in loans each year to pay for everything else. Most of it's a rip-off. In the past week I've had to pay $5 to park in addition to the $145 I paid to get the pass and was told I couldn't take my left over fries with me out of the cafeteria. Why not? I pay a butt load of money for those fries and should be able to eat them when and where I want. I think meal plan should be paid for as you use it like in high school where they sent home a monthly bill for the number of meals you consumed. I shouldn't have to pay for 15 meals this week if I only eat 10. And why are meal plans so expensive anyway? It's not like they're buying delicious, gourmet food. I think most college expenses should come as a bill at the end of the semester. They should keep track of the number of meals you ate, the number of sporting events you attended, the number of Marshall Artist Series shows you went to, and anything else they charge you for and bill you for only those ones.